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Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Little tired today

Well i was going to fill you guys in on the trip of a lifetime today but i actually forgot about my blog till late so sorry. Kind of bushed will fill you in tomorrow instead.

Sorry :(

Everything can change in the blink of an eye, But don't worry God doesn't blink.

Much Love, Rachel

Monday, 30 May 2011

The Good parts and the awesome parts

Well hello everyone. As promised i will cover in the next few posts what's happened to myself and my family. 
Last year was my husband and my 25th anniversary a huge milestone in our marriage. We had dreamed as a young couple that we always wanted to go on a cruise. Well last year we were fortunate enough to have a great tax return and we decided we would finally fulfill our dream. Now the year prior I'd been on a vacation with my youngest to Disney world and immediately fell head over heels in love with it. So i convinced my husband wouldn't it be great to do a Disney world/Disney cruise anniversary vacation and well thankfully he didn't take much persuasion. He'd been hearing endlessly since I'd come back from Disney last time how awesome it was. So yay!! We were on our way back to Disney!!!!
I will tell you in later posts how much of obsession Disney has become for me. ;)
My husband i decided to split the planning for the trip in two, i would take the Disney world part and he would be in charge of the cruise planning as it would be on the cruise we would officially be celebrating our 25th.
That's it for today. Tomorrow i will cover the most awesome trip of my life!

In life, Don't hang onto anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

Much love, Rachel

Sunday, 29 May 2011

My first post

Hello everyone!! well this is a big step for me. I've never been one for writing down my thoughts and feelings but here goes. I guess it would be appropriate to introduce myself. My name is Rachel and I'm a wife, mother and a grandmother. I have three daughters and two grandchildren one boy and one girl.
My reason for starting this blog i suppose would simply be to help me cope with things that have been happening in my life recently. This past year has been full of good things and terrible things. Things that extremely grateful for and things that i wish, to be honest, had never happened.
So this blog will be about those things. I will talk about each thing in different posts.
Okay so for now I will end it here. I will try to post everyday and maybe more than once if I'm feeling the need to get something down.
I will also try and end with something positive with each post.

Count your blessings everyday without them we would all be lost.

Much Love,
