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Sunday, 11 August 2013

I want to start doing daily vlogs

So yeah I've been thinking about vlogging or at least doing videos for a long time. I'm hesitating doing them because people who are successful are younger than myself, some are way younger. I've been an avid watcher of YouTube for about four years now and my very first subscription was Allthatglitters21 now she goes by her name Elle Fowler. Now the reason I first was introduced to Elle was by way of a video of hers that was put up on website. She was quite simply doing a haul video and her opinion of the Lush products she had purchased. I really loved her personality and my obsession with YouTube began.
So my conundrum is this will anyone care to watch videos put up by a woman who is 48 years young who loves Disney and everything about it. Also enjoys nail art and changes her polish at least twice a week and instagrams it pxedst01234 
A lady who is now an empty-nester who is starting a new chapter in her life. Making awesome changes that are bringing about good things that are making her to be a very positive and happy lady.
Well if anyone reads this please let me know and if no one does that's ok because one day lots of people will!!
YAY!! For staying positive!

Okay to change the subject and end the blog here's the photo of the pin I got in Disneyland when I went to see in Walt's apartment 

Isn't it awesome!!

Bye for now
Hope your having a flitterific day!
Your friend 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Disneyland was awesome

As I promised in my last blog I'm going share some special and memorable photos of my vacation to where it l began.

This wonderful photo is inside Walt Disney's apartment over the fire hall. Martin and I went on the walk in Walt Disney's footsteps tour and looking inside his apartment was the last thing we did on the tour. It was incredible to be in such a special and historic place. I had to fight tears of joy and also pride in such a wonderful man.

This is a plaque with his famous grand opening speech.

The door to the very prestigious Club 33

The you took us inside Club 33 but we were only allowed to stand at the bottom of the stairs.
This was the meal that was awaiting us when the tour was over. We also received a very special pin to remember the experience. I will share that with you tomorrow. 
I highly reccomend  this tour for anyone who appreciates the history and the man behind the magic.

Signing off for today and to quote Mr.Disney "It's kinda fun to do the impossible"