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Saturday, 29 November 2014

Introduction video

 I know it's been a long time since I've written on my blog and do apologize for that. Life has been turbulent to say the least. My husband and  I have been figuring out our future together as a couple. We have been thinking about changing paths and starting something new. Needless to say this has been a long and daunting task. It has taken us an emotional roller coaster of self doubt and helplessness. At the moment neither of us us working and money is extremely tight. That alone is hard for anyone of us in this place we call Mother Earth.

My path is taking me down the YouTube route. My channel is growing slowly but the content doesn't have enough of me. So my task to start is to introduce myself to all of you and my subscribers. 

This of course is my biggest challenge to date. I need to get through my fear of judgment and criticism. Which has been a part of my past.

Wish me luck and send me encouraging thoughts.

Till next time my lovelies 

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