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Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Disneyland's 30th Anniversary Parade

I've decided to make a series of blogs on my 1985 honeymoon visit to Disneyland. As you can see above I'm going to be sharing photos of the 30th Anniversary Parade at Disneyland. I hope you enjoy them. 

Aren't the photos amazing! All this taken with an old Pentax roll film camera. I was so pleased that my husband found them.

For all of you that have been there recently and all the annual pass holders you must get a real kick out of seeing how much Main Street has changed i.e. Colors of the buildings, the costumes etc..

I was only twenty years old when we got married and I remember being so happy to be at Disneyland again. It was so great to share my Disney passion with my new husband too!

That anniversary sign on the float was made with lots of silver metal disks that fluttered and caught the sun. It was so beautiful!

Minne mouse looks amazing doesn't she? Question has float safety changed? I don't think she's strapped to the float in this picture. 

Goofy being his playful self in this shot. I'm so glad I get to share these memories with all of you and that this platform of blogging is helping me leave something of myself for my family.

I hope you're all enjoying this trip down memory lane with me so that's it for this weeks Disney blog.

See yah real soon!!

Momma Fairywings 

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