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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Anxiety and Motivation

My stomachs in knots, my chest is tight and feel like I'm dying. Have you ever felt like that?
Today I've been doing some studying, learning about blogging and it's making me feel very overwhelmed. Who knew there's so much to learn, if you want to have a successful blogging career! 
I seem to feel like this every time I've studied for anything in my life. Is this normal? Do you guys get this feeling too?It's awful! I have this little inner battle going on inside. One side is saying "it's too hard" the other is saying "No! This will help you get closer to your dreams" it's like I can feel the little cannons and gunfire in my chest.

I'm just weird aren't I? Oh gosh I wish I had more confidence in myself.
Sorry this isn't a very positive post today my lovelies. We all have our off days don't we? I think I need to listen to Rhonda Brynes book Hero or The Power to get me pumped up and motivated again.
If you happen to be a more experienced blogger than me and you're reading this I would love it if you could leave me a comment on this post to give some encouragement and advice. Thanks my Lovelies that's it for today I promise my next post will be more positive.

Momma Fairywings 



  1. You are doing great so far! So proud of you lately! Keep it up. Anything worth doing will take effort but will be worth it in the end if it makes you happy :)

    1. Thank you so much :) You don't know how much i needed to hear that today! BIG HUGS
