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Monday, 5 January 2015

My First Disney Souvenir

The first time I went to Disneyland was when I was fourteen years old, it had been a dream of my young life to go there. I had been watching world of Disney on TV every week since I was six and I had books and read along books with 33 1/3 red records. I'd seen Cinderella, Snow White and many many of the great drawn animated classics. I'd been in Canada for less than a year and friends of my mom had asked if I would go along with them to Disneyland as they had their niece visiting and wanted her to have someone her age to enjoy the park with. So of course I wanted to go!!! 
It was everything I expected and more and that's when my lifelong yearning for Disney started. The park has changed so much since then. I remember going into the gift shop that was at the end of the Adventure Thru Inner Space ride or it could have been the McDonnell-Douglas Mission to Mars ride. I had a little bit of souvenir money so I looked in all the bins with the cheap things that cost less than five bucks and the spinning racks with the personalized key rings. I ended up finding this cute little license plate to put on your bike so I got it. I've kept it to this very day a treasured keepsake from my first visit to a Disneypark.

So what was the first souvenir you bought at a Disney Park? How old where you the first time you went to Disneyland?

That's it my Lovelies! Remember to click the ads on my blog page to let me know you enjoyed my blog.

Hugs and kisses
Momma Fairywings 

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