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Friday, 9 January 2015

Don't be a Judgee McJudgison?

We've all been judged or criticized at one time or another in our lives but how we handled it is very personal. 
Depending on family history or past friendships we all deal with criticism in a completely unique way. I've been judged or criticized for many things over my life by family and friends from being short to how I keep my house. For many years this affected me deeply and caused a lot of emotional and mental damage. Lack of confidence has been the worst of them and has taken a lot of therapy to get over it.
 I believe we all react differently to being judged but for me I always felt small and imperfect. So as a result I went through a stage of feeling worthless. I fortunately don't feel that way anymore! Yay! 

My reason for posting this is because I want ideally for people to think before they say something judgemental or critical. How is what I'm about say going to affect that person? If someone said that to me how would I feel? Do I want to be the person that causes that person so much hurt that they have to have years of therapy to heal emotionally? 

I have over the years said awful things to people but I think the difference has always been that after I said something I immediately felt bad and said sorry because I knew what it felt like to be criticized. Often when I was hurt, those people didn't think they had to say sorry. I couldn't bare to let people hurt like that.
So the next time you catch yourself being critical of anyone, whether they can hear you or not. STOP. Think. How would I feel if someone said that about me or someone I loved? If you answer sad or awful then don't do it!
I try to live by this saying and I know it's biblical but it makes a lot of sense. "Judge not lest ye be judged" or "Dont judge others or you'll be judged" have that saying playing on repeat in your head and it will help you.

That's it for today my Lovelies hope you've had a great week!

Hugs n' kisses 
Momma Fairywings 

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