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Monday, 1 December 2014

A Bad day

Bad days seem to be coming at me more often these days. My husband and I are going through a rough time in our lives right now. Ever since my husband lost his job a few months ago I have tried to see the good in every day no matter what. The last month or so my staying positive has gotten harder. The reason, my husband is a pessimist.  He sees the negative in everything. He has no hope for our future and has said those words to me directly. My heart is so broken not for myself but for him. I've been crying on and off most of the day. I've tried everything over the years we've been together but nothing I say or show him makes a difference. He can't see the benefit in being optimistic. What's there to be happy about. We've both seen therapists but he managed to convince her that there's nothing wrong and he stopped seeing her. He sees opening up as a weakness. He doesn't cry he gets angry and miserable and quiet. 

It's really hard living with a pessimist! So very hard.

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