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Thursday, 4 December 2014

Interview Day

Today was my Job interview and I wasn't as nervous or anxious as I expected to be. I kept my dream in my thoughts and stayed positive. Co op Travel seems like a really friendly place to work. The manager I saw was very nice and he wasn't at what I had pictured. I was expecting a man in a suit and tie, like a bank He wasnt at all like that he had long hair and was wearing a polar fleece zip up vest and trousers. I felt immediately at ease. We talked about my schooling and then he had a printed questionnaire which he filled in as he asked me the questions. He said some of the questions maybe tough for me as I haven't worked as a travel agent yet so he was pleasantly surprised when I managed to answer them all :)
All in all I think the interview went very well I asked questions at the end which I think he enjoyed answering, so I'm very happy.  It's a part time junior travel consultant position which is perfect for me. 
As soon as I left I got in my car and texted, tweeted and face booked everyone. My therapist Diana was especially happy for me because we had been working on my confidence issues for a while now. Everyone has been very supportive today so I dedicate this blog to all them. 
Focus on your dreams and don't ever give up!

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